Our team
“The goal is to establish an open, collaborative environment that supports broad cooperation, improves cost-effectiveness, quality of treatment as well as coordinated research and education in the area of processing of medical image data.”
Personal page at Masaryk University
Assoc. Prof. Ing. Otto Dostál, CSc.
Team leader
“In general, the project is clearly orientated to support society-wide healthcare initiatives in the Czech Republic as well as the programmes realized by other countries.”
Personal page at Masaryk University
RNDr. Michal Javorník, Ph.D.
Team member
“This technology can support simple workflows as well as quite complex solutions like distribution of medical images through a domain composed by many medical institutions (regional PACS).”
Personal page at Masaryk University
Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Karel Slavíček, Ph.D.
Team member
“For high-quality education is necessary to reflect the rapid development of technologies and changes that come with it.”
Personal page at Masaryk University
Ing. Vladimír Zatloukal
Team member
“Securing of medical images against intentional or accidental modification is a general issue in modern radiology. Watermarking, with its data-centric security, is very convenient for this purpose.”
Personal page at Masaryk University
Ing. Aleš Roček, Ph.D.
Team member
“Secure communication between a source of the medical data and their disposal site is one of the main priorities with system architecture, its realization and consequential functioning of the MeDiMed system.”
Personal page at Masaryk University
Ing. Vladimír Schindler, Ph.D.
Team member

...and many others