
Focus on zero watermarking methods (ones that do not cause any modification of an image examination) in the protection of the integrity, and proving authorship, of these medical image studies.

Update of supportive infrastructure to improve the level of confidentiality, integrity and availability of provided services.

Design, development and testing of the system for On-line monitoring of patient radiation dose (based on the needs of medical practice and on the analysis of methods calculating radiation burdens and irradiation doses) that will ensure the collection, archiving and subsequent distribution of all necessary information to those who make decisions on diagnostic examinations utilizing ionizing radiation or planning irradiation treatment.

Massive deployment of innovative tools for secure and reliable electronic exchange of medical image data and related information between healthcare and research institutions. Radiological communication center supports secure communication of more than 200 institutions, not only from the Czech Republic, these days.

Regional projects for support of educational processes at secondary medical schools and medical faculties. It means the development of knowledge databases from the area of medical imaging linked to the reference cases from clinical practice, including innovation of all the necessary tools for efficient cooperation with all the involved hospitals.

2005 - 2008
Using MeDiMed Infrastructure to address a range of national and international issues (projects in the areas of support for teaching, research and development) like for instance EU project Aeronautic and Space: HEALTHWARE (Standard and Interoperable Satellite Solution to Deploy Healthcare Services Over Wide Areas).

Introduction of the Radiological communication center, a set of innovative tools for secure and reliable electronic exchange of medical image data and related information between healthcare and research institutions. ReDiMed trademark.

Presentation of the gained results, of the MeDiMed ideas as well as of the supportive technological solutions at major international events: the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunisia, series of the Ministerial Conferences devoted to European Healthcare.

Adding of another 6 hospitals into the MeDiMed regional system.

Consensus of all the key stakeholders (major hospitals, governing bodies, other key users of the MeDiMed system) in the area of regional processing of medical image data (patient identification, exchange of image studies among hospitals, usage of clinical data for research and education, etc.)

Launching of the MeDiMed infrastructure and initiation of the digital processing of medical image data at specialized oncological hospital, the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute, Brno, Czech Republic.

The first project for the development of a metropolitan academic computer network in Brno, Czech Republic, and its transition to qualitatively higher technology. The goal was the deployment and testing of the technology enabling the use of transmission at a rate of 100 Mbit/s and more.

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